Medical Records/Release
Patients must provide identification and sign a Department of Defense Form 2870, Authorization of Release of Medical or Dental Record, or a network provider release letter for records or results to be copied or faxed, per Privacy Act and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidance.
Release of Information fulfills requests and provides various services for continuity of care documentation, service member retirements, insurance claims, and others. Continuity of care requests can be made by the patients and/or treating facility by visiting Outpatient Records/ROI in the main hospital. Patients may request copies of their medical records using DD Form 2870. For more information call 478-327-7774.
Access Your Records
You can access all non-sensitive records through the
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
If you have obtained medical care at an MTF before its transition to the MHS GENESIS Electronic Health Record, those records can be obtained through
TRICARE Online. For the 78th Medical Group, that date was Sept. 24, 2022. If the care occurred at an MTF using
MHS GENESIS, your records will be in that patient portal under the Health Library tab.
To learn how to set up your logon to access DoD SAFE, please view the
DoD SAFE User Guide
Records Requests
You may request a copy of your recent medical records by accessing the
DD Form 2870, Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information
. Screenshots of how to fill out/submit the form is provided at the bottom of the page.
- DD Form 2870 can be submitted through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal to Robins Medical Records.
- DD Form 2870 may be submitted in person at the Outpatient Records room. We will take your information and provide you with your records within 30 days.
- You may also send medical records a records request through DoD SAFE (You must have a CAC to request records through DoD SAFE).
When dropping off, picking up, or requesting records through
DoD SAFE, ensure you send the email request to:
Robins AFB 78 MDG OPR
- The release of information process may take up to 30 days. Once medical records are ready to be mailed/picked up, we will message you or give you a call.
- * Requests for records to be mailed or picked up must be specified in the message *
If you need to request/send copies of your records from an off-base clinic, you may send us the completed DD Form 2870 to send to the off-base clinic of your choice. Screenshots of how to fill out and submit form is provided at the bottom of the page.
- Ensure off-base clinic’s fax number and mailing address is provided.
- DD Form 2870 may be submitted in person at the medical records front desk or through DoD SAFE or the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal to Robins Medical Records
- * Requests for records to be mailed or picked up must be specified in the message *
- If you have an appointment with an off-base provider within one week, medical records must be notified to expedite the request.
Process to allow others to pick up medical records
If you are 18 years of age and over and would like another adult to pick up or request your medical records, you must complete a
DD Form 2870. The form must be signed by the patient granting another adult permission to receive his/her medical records. Parents are not allowed to sign the
DD Form 2870 for their children who are over 18, nor is a spouse able to sign for their spouse.
- If your child is under 18, you do not need a DD Form 2870.
- If a patient is signing for another adult to pick up records, ‘Relationship to Patient’ (Box 12) must say “SELF.”
- When other than patient is signing for medical record release (Box 11), adult must print name and specify relationship to patient (Box 12).
PCS, In- and Out-Processing, Separation, and Retirement
Before PCS, retirement, or separation, orders must be sent electronically via
MHS GENESIS by choosing the option “send message” then searching “Robins Medical Records,” or come in person to the outpatient records room
- If you are retiring or separating, you are entitled one copy of your medical records. Requests may be given to members via one CD or one paper copy. Duplicate copies of a medical record may be subjected to fees. Contact outpatient records for more information.
- Once we receive a copy of PCS orders, we will ship your hard copy medical record (created before 2015) during the month of your RNLTD. If your gaining base has not received your hard copy record one month after your RNLTD, reach contact Robins medical records right away.
- In-processing and out-processing airmen should drop off a copy of orders and all amendments to process retrieving/transferring medical records with outpatient records.
How to message Medical Records via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal
- Log on to MHS GENESIS
- Click “Messaging”

3. Click “send a message”

4. Enter the patient for whom the message is sent. In the “To” box, check Robins Medical Records. Identify the subject, provide relevant message in the message area, and then click “Choose File” to search your files for the DD Form 2870 or other applicable documentation you need to send.